Name & Dance
Ice breaking | Remote

Group: 5-15

Time: 5-15 min

Space: Open - medium
Energy: Medium

When & What

Want to speed up the process of everyone in the group learning each other’s names? This is a fun activity for both learning names and getting the energy levels up.

In a circle, you take turns sharing names and your favourite dance move. This is ideal for a group of 6-12 (to make sure it isn’t too easy or too hard to remember all the names).

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  1. Stand in a big circle and ask everyone to think of their favourite styles of dance.
  2. The first person starts by stepping into the middle. They say their name and then what dance style they like while showing off their moves (ie do some kind of dance move). For example “I am Nils and I like to Salsa”.
  3. The first person rejoins the circle and a second person volunteers to step into the centre.
  4. This person points to the first one, says their name and repeats their dance move. For example “Nils likes to Salsa”.
  5. The second person then continues with their own name and their favourite dance. For example “I’m Rachel and I like to break-dance.”
  6. The next person repeats all the names and dances for the previous people. This is repeated until everyone has had a go.


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What you need

No props needed



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