My Office
Ice breaking | Remote | Team

Group: any

Time: 5-10 min

Space: At table(s)
Energy: Low
#digital, #sharing, #trust, #virtual

When & What

When you are running a virtual workshop or meeting with remote team members, this is a great activity to start off with. Apart from the common benefits of icebreaking activities, it will create a better appreciation of the environments that the other participants are in. It might even explain those distracting, weird background sounds (eg is that a dying cat, a kid or what?).

Ask everyone to share their physical surroundings. Depending on the setup you can use video, photos, or simply describe it if it is a phone meeting.

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If you want to save time during the session, you can request that photos be sent to you beforehand. But only do it on the same day, to make sure it is indeed the environment they are in during the meeting.


  1. Explain that you will start the session with a quick activity to get a better idea of what everyone’s place of work looks like.
  2. Depending on the setup you can ask them to share by:
    • video — take turns moving their camera around and comment on what they show.
    • photo — ask everyone to take a photo and upload to the chat channel or collaboration tool. Then take turns to comment on their photo.
    • explain over conference call — ask them to describe their surroundings with 5 words.


Extra tips

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What you need

No props needed!



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