Challenging Assumptions Puzzle
Creativity | Learning
Group: 2-20
Time: ~20 min
Space: At table(s)
Energy: Medium
When & What
This activity helps teams to get into the mindset of identifying their assumptions and shows that they may not always be correct or even helpful. It can work as a warm-up before a problem-solving or creative session when you want to illustrate the concept of Functional Fixedness.
The group tries to put the puzzle pieces together. While this appears deceivingly simple, it is actually quite difficult as many common practices and ideas don’t apply to this particular puzzle. Ideally for groups of 4-16 people, but keep each team to 4 or less.
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- Get the Challenging Assumptions puzzle.
- Familiarise yourself with what the solution looks like.
- Leave one puzzle per table in a pile (some with the coloured side up and some down).
- Divide the group so that you have a minimum of 2 people per puzzle.
- Give everyone 4 minutes to start putting the puzzle together.
- Once the time is up, let the teams share their findings. If none of the groups has progressed (eg they all turned all the pieces the same way) then give them a hint.
- Continue with the same procedure for another 2-3 iterations, or until someone completes the puzzle.
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