We aim to help you bring the much needed creativity, mindfulness and silliness into your organisation – play it forward!
Once upon a time…
…there was a coach and facilitator that was fairly new in her role. She needed help with ideas on how to facilitate. Keen to learn the tips and tricks and wouldn’t have minded finding somewhere to easily shop for game and creative supplies. That person was me!
I’m Hanna, the founder of the workshopper. Since the beginning of my career over 15 years ago, I always believed in using supplies that allowed collaboration. Even while working in IT, I still preferred whiteboards, post-its etc in meetings and workshops.
In the last couple of years, the importance of play and visual facilitation has become obvious around the world and this site is created to help the movement. Send through a message if you have feedback. Are the games, features or products missing any, or you have tips to fellow facilitators to share.
Hope this website will inspire you remember to play it forward 🙂